I live down around the Alamo.
20 years ago, I would have told you to send it to my shop but I am out of the business now days and only work on my own stuff and a few old customers out of my house.
You should be able to take those instructions to any radio tech worth his salt and he can do it for you. Parts will run you $2~$3 tops, so don't get stiffed.
This mod will eliminate warbling and "split" RX & TX, but it won't eliminate "drift". If you find your self having to "re-clarify" as your radio warms up or cools off, then that is another problem. It can also be solved but it is more labor intensive.
The problem is that some radio manufacturers, in an effort to cut corners and save a buck or two, don't use NPO capacitors in the PLL and clarifier sections of the newer radios. NPO capacitors don't change capacitance as they change in temperature, regular ones do. Since many of the small capacitors are in the picofarad range in those circuits, even a change of only 1~2 picofarads makes a big difference. The fix is to go through and replace all of the non NPO caps with NPO versions and then re-align the PLL and clarifier sections.
This is fairly easy to do on the non-SMD radios, as the components are larger and easier to replace. If your radio uses SMD, then it takes specialized equipment to unsolder and re-solder the new NPO SMD caps in. Again, any radio tech worth his salt should be able to do this.
Generally speaking the older SSB CB radios (pre 1995) all use NPO caps.