How y'all doing. Hcfr34 waving a hand from Tampa, Fl. I have recently dusted off my stuff, after 8 or 9 years, and am ready to jump back in with 2 feet. I have forgotten most everything, so I have some questions. 1st the set up. I have a cobra 148 gtl that has been massaged with extra channels in it, hack job. My channels aren't mapped and I do not have a freq counter. I have a DX Sweet 16, I hope still works. A power echo mic and I forget the antenna, but it has a coil around the base. I know the antenna can handle the power, cause the guy I got it from used them together. I am planning on installing these items in a 2004 f150 lariat. I may want to upgrade my radio, but am unsure of what is good these days. I know back in the day, I always wanted a galaxy 77 or 88. I always heard the ranger 10mm were too fragile to run in a truck. Any new ones out there to consider? If I do get one, what should be done, upgraded, to it? Reckon my altenator will handle the draw? Should I install a second battery for my 16? I plan on putting my 16 in the bed of the truck. Will this be enough to shield my trucks electronics. Whats a good meter? Back in the day I believe it was dosi. Sorry for all the questions, but I am a little rusty. Thanks in advance, Ken.