In case you haven't heard, a new satellite is going to be launched on 2/16/2001 called ARISSat-1. It will be launched during a space walk by the ARISS crew.
ARISSat-1 will support the following modes: CW beacon, SSB/CW 16 kHz transponder (70 cm uplink/2 meter downlink), BPSK telemetry (satellite status and experiment telemetry) and FM (announcements, slow scan television [SSTV] transmissions and telemetry).
The SSTV images are especially interesting as you'll be able to receive images from space as it makes it's pass. Read all about this new satellite, including detailed plans and pictures at Arissat 1
ARISSat-1 will support the following modes: CW beacon, SSB/CW 16 kHz transponder (70 cm uplink/2 meter downlink), BPSK telemetry (satellite status and experiment telemetry) and FM (announcements, slow scan television [SSTV] transmissions and telemetry).
The SSTV images are especially interesting as you'll be able to receive images from space as it makes it's pass. Read all about this new satellite, including detailed plans and pictures at Arissat 1