I think it was our 16th president who said something about pleasing all of the people all of the time...... Any way so do I qualify my my own section or do I need to b***h and whine a little more. You know thats just what I need a place where I can talk about everyone behind their back without them being able to read it. But if they don't know I make jest of them what fun is it. Hey, better yet make my little box such that they can read what I wrote about them but they can't respond. Wait again not much fun, no "yes I am " or "no I'm not" or "mines bigger" to keep the pot stirred. Never mind guess I really don't need a place to call my own.
Guess I'm just stuck reading what I can and not worring about what I have no control over, Hey this is too much like the real world. How about we just go back to enjoying the hobby and talking and learning about radios and antennas.
And in case you did not know mine is bigger, all you have to do is, "ask her."
Guess I'm just stuck reading what I can and not worring about what I have no control over, Hey this is too much like the real world. How about we just go back to enjoying the hobby and talking and learning about radios and antennas.
And in case you did not know mine is bigger, all you have to do is, "ask her."