It was working fine, than the receive started to get lower . (i've been working on radio's since 1970)
Got me stumped, Sent it to a buddy of mine thats been at it longer than me and he thouht he had it fixed....didn't.....put it on the self about a year , put it on my table , hooked up everything.......
NO recieve need help {think I'm getting to dang old for this stuff}
The receive slowly got lower and lower untill with the rf gain and voulme wide open you had
to have the speaker to your ear to hear it....
Got me stumped, Sent it to a buddy of mine thats been at it longer than me and he thouht he had it fixed....didn't.....put it on the self about a year , put it on my table , hooked up everything.......
NO recieve need help {think I'm getting to dang old for this stuff}
The receive slowly got lower and lower untill with the rf gain and voulme wide open you had
to have the speaker to your ear to hear it....
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