my new antenna will arrive soon, it will be maco 5/8. how do i use NOALOX with this antenna? someone recomended it for aluminum tubing a while ago on this forum but i can't fint it
If you are implying that Noalox will work with rusting steel, you are mistaken. The only advantage using Noalox with steel would be to eliminate the air preventing the steel from rusting any further.karo said:Hence the use of NOALOX which is used when there are disimilar metals in contact with each other. Ask any good electrician.
I am in the process of cleaning my beam as of now and the Scotch-Brite pad is what I am using also. I am using the "extra fine" and tho it takes a little bite of "elbow grease" it sure makes a nice finish.Master Chief said:Good info here folks!
For cleaning the aluminum, you want to use SCOTCH-BRITE PADS. No steel wool, NO SANDPAPER or equivalent!