Opinions R like A-holes. Everyone has one. I'm 60+. Been Golden ScrewDriving
sweep tube amps since I was a teenager.
In my opinion. & from first hand experience. "Balancing resistors" Bleeder
resistors R unnecessary in Sweep tube amps with less than 1100v DC at the anode
plate of the tube. That's why I did not include them in kits I sell on flea-bay.
Bear in mind. These C.B. 11 meter Amps were designed & assembled by hams.
Who probably had the highest ticket. They were making a buck.
The most important reason to add balancing/bleeder resistors in series parallel
to the High Voltage series connected stack is this.
Typical 450v to 500v capacitors are not clones of each other. U would be hard pressed
finding two. With the exact capacitance rating. That's why they R + or - %20-%10.
With plate voltages of 1200, 1500, 2000 etc. The series string of Capacitors gets long
& numerous !
Then. It becomes an absolute necessity. To balance the voltage across each capacitor. to avoid...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM.
Of course. These resistors will discharge the caps !
Now here is the down side.
I have yet. To find a 11 meter Sweep tube Amp that has enough Iron in the HV PSU
The transformers Used. The KVA of these transformers. R just big enough to dead key
x amount of Watts on high. Start talking. U get back swing.
Adding un-needed "Balancing resistors" bleeders". Bleeds your puny HV supply &
makes the transformer work harder. U loose output watts.
Now. To go to my shop. I wound up
cutting the work day short. I did not have the right tools to finish the job.
Lets see if I can find one of those O.D. Green Sniper Amps !
Take pics. Something does not look right from the top view of the above Amp.
Four fingers & a thumb !