U R on your way to becoming a Golden Screwdriver !
Here is a short list that will speed up the process of resurrecting the Maco.
1) 2x Driving 5 five. Fogetabout 2x6
2) GG AB1 grounded grid Class AB1 no grid voltage at G3 G3 is grounded to chassis
Note....It is not necessary really to understand conduction angles etc.
Look up on internet G1, G2, G3, Anode, Cathode of tube schematic 6LF6 20LF6
G1 Supressor
G2 Screen
G3 Control Grid
Anode is the top of 6LF6,6KD6 etc
Cathode is the entry point of the driving signal
The easiest conversion will be 6KD6 or 6LR6 or 6LX6
6LF6 is expensive when available.
You will need a Trans conductance GM tube Tester. EMMISION tester is worthless
for Power Beam Compactrons.
The Maco 750 & other Maco's were Grid modulated with neutralization.
Lousy design. Inefficient.
All pins underneath the tube are grounded to the chassis except the Cathode.
And the Heater pins. Filament pins which are Pin 1 & Pin 12 on all the anode cap 12 pin Beam
It does not get any simpler. GG AB1
Without a working Transconductance Tube checker it will be almost impossible
to work on yur Maco 750.
a VOM is required also. Powerful soldering gun. Surgical tweezers etc.
You will have to ROLL your own driver & final Tank coil. With the iron that is in there.
2x5 will get you 500 watts RMS or 2000 watts AM Pep. 4 watts drive. 12SSBw 600wSSB
Lot of TUBE scammers on Fleec Bay selling worthless tubes.
U R going to need tubes for your project.
good Luck !