As of November 6, radio amateurs in Norway were granted privileges on three new bands, as well as primary status on the extended 40 meter band and a frequency extension on 12 meters. According to IARU Vice President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR, Norwegian amateurs received new secondary user privileges on 60 meters (5.260-5.410 MHz), the 600 meter band (493-510 kHz) and in five blocks in the 4 meter (70 MHz) band. Amateur Radio operators in Norway will also enjoy upgraded privileges on 40 meters, moving from secondary to primary users between 7.100-7.200 MHz and 1000 W output. Privileges on 12 meters now range from 24.740-24.890 MHz. Garpestad said that “minor adjustments” were also made in the SHF (3-30 GHz) and EHF (30-300 GHz) portions of the band. “Congratulations to our Norwegian colleagues,” said ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ. “The new domestic allocations in Norway are consistent with the present and future spectrum requirements for the Amateur Service as determined by the IARU Administrative Council. We hope that other administrations will consider taking similar steps.”