In the past I've used these transistors to beef up the AM regulator in my Grant and 148. They were rated for 7amps.
While looking for more of these today for my latest 148 acquisition, I noticed the NTE data sheet lists the Ic at 4 amps, but some of the packages show "Ic 7 amp". The old ECG152 # even says they are 7 amp.
Did NTE change them when they bought out ECG or?
Or am I having a brain fart and missing something? If they did change them, it's probably not a bad idea to try and find those old ones to keep on hand. Not that it's rare transistor, but it's something to keep around just in case. They make the same regulator all the way up to 15 amps which is way overkill.
While looking for more of these today for my latest 148 acquisition, I noticed the NTE data sheet lists the Ic at 4 amps, but some of the packages show "Ic 7 amp". The old ECG152 # even says they are 7 amp.
Did NTE change them when they bought out ECG or?
Or am I having a brain fart and missing something? If they did change them, it's probably not a bad idea to try and find those old ones to keep on hand. Not that it's rare transistor, but it's something to keep around just in case. They make the same regulator all the way up to 15 amps which is way overkill.