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Oh Man My Head Hurts From AM


Active Member
Jan 16, 2023
So ive been on the AM side for a few days with the cobra 29, 95% of the stations i hear i cant understand a word they are saying, im not quick witted enough to make everything rhyme, i dont pick cotton, i dont like repeating myself, i think they are warning me there are bumps in the road, if i got down to do anything i wouldnt be able to get back up, i dont have enough power to talk on 3 channels at the same time and worst of all i dont have a key up noise, echo or a roger beep. Think ill stick with SSB, its easier on my brain.

So ive been on the AM side for a few days with the cobra 29, 95% of the stations i hear i cant understand a word they are saying, im not quick witted enough to make everything rhyme, i dont pick cotton, i dont like repeating myself, i think they are warning me there are bumps in the road, if i got down to do anything i wouldnt be able to get back up, i dont have enough power to talk on 3 channels at the same time and worst of all i dont have a key up noise, echo or a roger beep. Think ill stick with SSB, its easier on my brain.
well, back to ssb you go then, where you can "wave the hand" every keydown.
bye :cautious:
If you sit on channel 6, 11, or 28 yes the big boys like to play there.
With the solar cycle as hot as it is right now every channel has a mess on it, even 38 is a train wreck. Its been this way every solar cycle I have been alive to witness.
This is what drives people onto the alpha channels, freeband or ham radio.
It is very limited to only run a AM mode radio when DX is like this.
It is what it is.

I cant understand a thing on AM either, unless a big station keys up and quiets everything else. But a lot of that noise is just man-made noise riding in on skip, it's not necessarily broken radios and bad operators. Unlike SSB and FM, AM receivers are sensitive to changes in amplitude, so it cannot be avoided with all the modern digital crap and high torque DC motors in EV's during solar cycle peaks.

The truth is, with respect to bad radios and bad operators, you get that in SSB too, its just your SSB filter prevents you from hearing most of it. I have come to learn that there isn't a single adjustment in a radio's TX chain that can be made without a SA. Even the final bias really needs a SA to be set properly (it's not always best at 50mA, it depends on the part!!!). But oh well, that is part of the hobby. All we can do is wait for groundwire to fire up that monster of a box and quiet all the other noise for us.
I cant understand a thing on AM either, unless a big station keys up and quiets everything else. But a lot of that noise is just man-made noise riding in on skip, it's not necessarily broken radios and bad operators. Unlike SSB and FM, AM receivers are sensitive to changes in amplitude, so it cannot be avoided with all the modern digital crap and high torque DC motors in EV's during solar cycle peaks.

The truth is, with respect to bad radios and bad operators, you get that in SSB too, its just your SSB filter prevents you from hearing most of it. I have come to learn that there isn't a single adjustment in a radio's TX chain that can be made without a SA. Even the final bias really needs a SA to be set properly (it's not always best at 50mA, it depends on the part!!!). But oh well, that is part of the hobby. All we can do is wait for groundwire to fire up that monster of a box and quiet all the other noise for us.
lol. world class mobile!
So ive been on the AM side for a few days with the cobra 29, 95% of the stations i hear i cant understand a word they are saying, im not quick witted enough to make everything rhyme, i dont pick cotton, i dont like repeating myself, i think they are warning me there are bumps in the road, if i got down to do anything i wouldnt be able to get back up, i dont have enough power to talk on 3 channels at the same time and worst of all i dont have a key up noise, echo or a roger beep. Think ill stick with SSB, its easier on my brain.
There are quite a few good AM operators just below cb channel 1. I don't hear all the vfo wind up, echo and all the guys with huge amps trying to walk on each other. 26.915 is pretty good to me.

If you are limited to just cb channels on AM, you might try a couple of channels below and above channel 28.
You probably won't hear right here right now just got down either!

Sideband is another one where if you go above channel 40 it is so much better. Although some of the attention seekers drift up there from time to time.
Come to the promise land.....

"we promise to talk about nothing but the weather and our physical ailments!"

"we promise to act superior to CB radio operators and pretend we don't talk on the CB band!"

"we promise to always let you know how you are taking up too much bandwidth and running too much power!"

also, please give the FCC your name and address just in case we need to get ahold of you.

just havin' some fun...

"we promise to talk about nothing but the weather and our physical ailments!"

"we promise to act superior to CB radio operators and pretend we don't talk on the CB band!"

"we promise to always let you know how you are taking up too much bandwidth and running too much power!"

also, please give the FCC your name and address just in case we need to get ahold of you.

just havin' some fun...
OMG, nailed it!

"we promise to talk about nothing but the weather and our physical ailments!"

"we promise to act superior to CB radio operators and pretend we don't talk on the CB band!"

"we promise to always let you know how you are taking up too much bandwidth and running too much power!"

also, please give the FCC your name and address just in case we need to get ahold of you.

just havin' some fun...
Let's not confuse hams with turkeys.

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