No, not yet. If it isn't one thing, it's another it seems. My get off work time is supposed to be 5 Pm. Seems it's been closer to 8 Pm lately, for various reasons. It get's dark about 6 Pm +/- some, and with the weather like it is, forget it. I tend to speen more of that 'off' time sleeping than anything else. Ain't that the pits, wasting good beer drinking time like that? Oh well, all that over-time will pay for the solder needed to piece all them itty-bitty pieces of wire together for an antenna! It ain't easy being this cheap you know. But somebody has to do it and I'm saving you from having to be that one, right?
- 'Doc
(Now, is that an excuse, or is that an excuse!)
(Procrastination IS.)