I know about Lou Franklin's book/books and am currently waiting on a return email from him to make sure that I can go ahead and order from him..... butIs anyone aware of any other books in the landscape that instruct the reader on how communications radio circuits work? Sort of "from the beginning". I don't think I really need "all the way back" but it wouldn't hurt to have it on hand. Just generally how RF amps, IF mixers, AGC, detection( AM, SSB, FM...) work... how mixers create the target frequency and then passing it out through to the finals..... and, again, sort of textbook style?
Would be neat if it focussed on solid state mobile radios. I have seen quite a few that cover tube technology... but would like to see something on how you handle the functions with solid state?
Thanks in advance...
Would be neat if it focussed on solid state mobile radios. I have seen quite a few that cover tube technology... but would like to see something on how you handle the functions with solid state?
Thanks in advance...