By Ward Silver, N0AX
QST Contributing Editor
Three days in Santa Clara have just vanished in a blur of ham radio happiness. Pacificon attendance was up to about 1600, filling the halls for forums, lectures, browsing, and the occasional airborne affair such as astronauts, ARISS contacts, parachute mobile stations, and of course, Felix Baumgartner's skydive from 24 miles up on Sunday afternoon put ...
QST Contributing Editor
Three days in Santa Clara have just vanished in a blur of ham radio happiness. Pacificon attendance was up to about 1600, filling the halls for forums, lectures, browsing, and the occasional airborne affair such as astronauts, ARISS contacts, parachute mobile stations, and of course, Felix Baumgartner's skydive from 24 miles up on Sunday afternoon put ...