Not sure where you are located, here in the states we found a grey paint at Home Depot called Winter Grey. It's a darn nice match for the Ft-101 series. It's a tad bit lighter then the original paint when you spray it on, when it dries and the rig is used in normal indoor lighting it looks perfect.
It's sold at Home Depot under the bran name Painter's Choice. (Winter Grey) Recommend you remove the case, handles and feet, lightly sand the case with a fine grain wet / dry sand paper so the paint will stick. Rinse and dry case completely before spray painting. Several light coast of paint are far better then one or two heavy coats of paint.
If you want to take it one step further, heat up your oven to 250 deg F.
First remove any extra oven racks and just leave in one rack at the lowest point in the oven. Once you reach temp, turn oven off and put the case in the oven standing upright, leave in oven over night for the enamel paint to bake on with a harder finish. This is much like the procedure when you paint a car on a much smaller basis.