Transformer missing, need voltages for the outboard transformer supply to build.This amp is running 4 6 KD6's, Drivers are 6JF6, 2 of them. If someone has a schematic, I would be over-joyed to have one.Help.
It's a terrific CB amp. I've operated one for almost three years straight now. I owned it since 86, but used a maverick back then. I use it with a uniden madiison. I get 500 with 1 1/2 DK and 18 pep on AM. A bit more on SSB with 18 Watts. Mine has two 6kd6's and four 6lf6's. I had it recaped about two years ago not because it needed it, but deserved it. It's an outstanding amp for what it is. The heat dissipation is poor and the Chrome cover gets hotter than hell, but hasn't caused me any issues.I've seen many owner's lift the cover by adding four metal straight brackets to raise.the cover. if you're long winded ypu might consider doing that. I'm glad you found the schematic. I hope you'll post some picitures of the restoration. 73Transformer missing, need voltages for the outboard transformer supply to build.This amp is running 4 6 KD6's, Drivers are 6JF6, 2 of them. If someone has a schematic, I would be over-joyed to have one.Help.