To play Devil's Advocate...
Yes, you DO NOT have the luxury of Gates and their ability to get pummeled ±20V - like the other designs.
Ok, that also places the device in a limited market - not that they were
not thinking this before they introduced the part.
In order to help with this - the Gate design itself leads us down a rabbit hole that really can't help us utilize the part for 12V applications - but can give us insight into how to "wash" out Gate influences but give the user some flexibility in designing the amp to fit their needs.
Now they are not making the part specific to a bandwidth, although by design - it requires the user to use a realm of higher voltages.
It's not that far off, at least with the re-introduction of electrical vehicles - the more common use of the battery for the higher voltage and current reserves are now more commonplace than ever before.
Now, to help with historical facts.
In the late 1800's and early 1900's the Electric car was quite popular but it's drawbacks were the lack of available recharging stations - and their purchase price - which gave the Petrol-Powered Putt-Putts a Plethora of Prosperity in options in the Pockets of the Pedal Pusher - Gas Stations and Sinclair became the new Fred Flintstone versions of the Family Night Out and the ability to go places and not have to wait in line for an extension cord and an outlet - and a night or two - of layover while the batteries accepted a charge.
So the Fossil Fueled Four-Door Funabout ran along just fine on 12V batteries just to start the car, and the fuel and the engine, did the rest for development of motion to or from a destination.
Obviously, the Fossil Fueled Folly also needed some form of entertainment or information - so the effort of putting tube-type radios into vehicles had its moments - until the Solid State revolution allows for smaller and lighter and less demanding conditions - the vehicle and the family riding in it, can enjoy Marconi - macaroni and Herb-Albert in Tijuana sound without making or becoming toast themselves.
With the above - the effort to raise the bar is no longer a barrier - but an approach to solve another condition that the re-re-make of the electric car, has required in order to become a viable contender for the market dominated by the Fossil fueled - a better motor.
So the Motor itself is not any real huge change, it's in the materials and construction to obtain those physics has changed - along with the belief or notion that the field strength and it's density - being hand in hand - one to obtain the other was needed - they boosted the voltage to provide the better flux (current) density that takes the basic 1 ton car into a 6,000 (or 3-ton) pound battering ram which suits perfectly in running over little old ladies, and their Boy Scout consorts looking to obtain their Eagle Badge - the new silent killer...
So to tie this up, the approach is only different when you rethink the supply of the amp - which in a typical 12V car, is not truly viable - for that same reason those recharging stations must provide ... that is; the boosted voltage to overcome the cell-to-cell voltage rise that is needed to push the power into the cell to even reverse the discharge process and re-charge the cell.
In older CB days, we tried to parallel the parts to reduce the total on-resistance and drop in an effort to obtain some gain.
Other designs use the "push pull" operation of I'll give you half if you let me do the other half...
So, in a way, we're getting there...
Good to hear from you
@kopcicle - with all those embers burning over there in your neck of the nation - good to see you've survived.
Don't be such a stranger.