Palomar TX 100 manual needed
Anyone have a copy of the manual they could share? Email
Anyone have a copy of the manual they could share? Email
Like a lot of the old Cb style amps built back in the 70`s I doubt you will find a manual, they really did not have one.
You can probably find a Schematic over on Cb tricks for the TX 100 if that will help.
What did you need to know?
Never used one so I was wondering how to use it . How do you use the switches? Thanks Ron
Well... I would think it would be fairly self-explanatory as there were only 3 switches on the thing.
ON/OFF (or was it POWER?): This turns the amp on and off. In the 'ON' position your output power is increased. In the 'OFF' position, your radio operates normally
AM/SSB : When operating in the sideband mode, move this switch to the 'SSB' position. This will enable a slight delay so that the amp does not 'chatter' during the pauses in your modulation. When operating AM, place this switch in the 'AM' position.
PREAMP /OFF: This switch enables a receiving preamp which will help you hear weaker signals. It can be operated independently of the main amplifier (I think!). Using the preamp does NOT affect your output in any way. Although you will see an increase in received signal strength, you will also notice a corresponding increase in background noise. In my experience preamps are good on quiet channels or sideband.
Some models had a slide switch in the rear, a type of bandswitch. If yours has this the switch should be in the the 10 meter position.
Use heavy gauge wire, keep the SWR as low as possible and do not let it get too hot.
There were several variations of this amp. Some had a white case with blue lettering, some had a black case with white lettering, and there was also the TX-100N which looked completely different and had a rotary low-medium-high-max switch on the front.
Any other questions?