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Sr. Member
Apr 8, 2016
I absolutely love this recording. Early audio gate. I wish I had saved all the recordings I my self made from 1977 through 82. Brooklyn New York channel 15. Unfortunately like most who made recordings of CB radio qso's back in the day we just didn't realize how historically important they might b. If not historically important they definitely would have brought back great memories of qso's during the CB craze era. Your mom's like a popcycle. Every body gets a lick. Lol. 1969 rag on mom humor.
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Enjoyable nostalgia trip. Thanks.
I was only 5 years old in 69 but when I listen to the clip I know without doubt it's vintage.
Refrances to movies like Lilly's of the field, Pinocchio, 66 Ford falcon. To which people quickly reply JUNK! Lol. The only curses come from a young kid (comstat kid. Lol) We know what transciver he was running. Then dad talking about wearing his knickers when he was younger (most likely referring to his childhood during the early 20th century.) The clip reeks of a vintagness. I must've listened to it several times since I found it on YouTube (4 or 5 years ago,) and always find it interesting. It's a time capsule. I suspect that the person who posted it used some gear to clean it up. Most likely a computer.
I'm of the belief that tube rigs do have a softer louder than transistorized sound, but these stations sound exceptional. To good to not have been cleaned up. Remastered (sort of speak.) They've probably been digitized, and "fixed" to sound cleaner than they did when originally recorded. I would've liked to hear the recording in it's original format. Another interesting fact is that I'm sure all those stations were base, and there wasn't a single transistorized transciver in use on the recording. Glad you enjoyed it. 73
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