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plexi glass window on a amp ?



never seen it but was wondering if it would adversly affect a solidstate amp to cut out the top and put a window on it similar to how somp pc.s are done ?


if that didnt hurt anything and youre still with me how about adding led light or replacing fans with led lighted fans ?



could mounting a window cause a problem with static leaking in or RF from the amp hurting my cars computer ?

anyone ever run a amp without its top/cover on and ever have any problems besides dust or something getting on the circutry ?

just kinda day dreaming out loud....thanks

ive done both with no ill effects. aluminum amps cut easy. the gasket materal that comes with the window kits doesnt work to well because the alum is so thick.
i knew i couldnt be the first one to have thought of doing this :D
any chance you have any pic of some blinged out amps or any links to pics you could post that i could check out ?
not anymore. last time i used a clear red acrylic cover from a computer psu. i also threw in a spare 92mm red led fan. the fan was thermal controled so it would kick on when the amp started to get hot. its alot cheaper to buy the acrylic from a local store. alot of times you can use there bargin bin scrap for what you want. usually only a dollar or two for more than enough.

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