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POTA haters and purposeful interference.

Alan Blackmon

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
Boise Idaho
I have heard so many report they have gone out to do POTA (Parks On The Air) and had a lot of what seemed to be purposeful interfence on top of thier signal. Example would be tuning up right on top of the POTA operator for long periods of time. I have seen videos of such interference on Facebook. I am pretty sure experienced it myself recently during a POTA I was doing.

I read where FCC has caught Blue Waffle in the act of interference on the 2 meter band where he was caught in what looked like purposeful jamming of a repeater. I couldn't help but wonder and hope that at some point that what appears to be intentional jamming of POTA operations will catch the attention of the FCC.

I just wonder though what is this hate towards one of the activities of ham radio? It seems to go on quite regularly. I will be doing one again this weekend during a ARRL contest. I am curious if I will hear incidents of what sounds like intentional jamming when operators are calling CQ contest?

Some of them seem to think POTA is contesting all the days of the week on even the WARC bands where contesting does not go on. They are fools and don't know what they are talking about.
Some just don't like it because as Sheldon Cooper would say "You're having fun wrong".
Some hams, just like everywhere else in life, are just jerks.
Best thing to do is just keep on doing your thing and totally ignore them.

When it comes to doing other than contesting during a big contest, You do run a big risk of being stomped on. Try to find a quieter piece of bandwidth out of the way. A lot of contesters will be running big power and big antennas that may blast you out but they may not hear you at all if not pointed your way. Or go to a band like the WARC bands where there is no contesting.
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Sometimes the jamming is because you are on and using "their frequency", and they don't like it. It's a habit that usually followed them from their "CB days" when everyone owned "their own channel".
Just like the ones that today talk (running power) to locals on 27.383-LSB ..... 2Kc down from the CB Channel-38LSB. If you haven't heard them you are lucky.
The portable setup scene is fun. Perfecting the fast deployment with remote location adds to the challenge. I loved operating from my 4x4 where no one else could go. On foot, focus on antenna sites of hilltops and cliffs (or trees if you're able). Despite lack of real power, a directional antenna can help eliminate QRM. Use that dual VFO for split freqs by announcing same on your CQ calls.
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Some of them seem to think POTA is contesting all the days of the week on even the WARC bands where contesting does not go on. They are fools and don't know what they are talking about.
Some just don't like it because as Sheldon Cooper would say "You're having fun wrong".
Some hams, just like everywhere else in life, are just jerks.
Best thing to do is just keep on doing your thing and totally ignore them.

When it comes to doing other than contesting during a big contest, You do run a big risk of being stomped on. Try to find a quieter piece of bandwidth out of the way. A lot of contesters will be running big power and big antennas that may blast you out but they may not hear you at all if not pointed your way. Or go to a band like the WARC bands where there is no contesting.
A lot of POTA activators have learned that you don't hunt from the park during a contest. Just answer the CQ contest calls. That is how I treated the ARRL 10 meter contest. I was not contesting but just answering the CQ contest calls and to give them the point and then logged my contacts with POTA. Had a great time with it.
I have heard so many report they have gone out to do POTA (Parks On The Air) and had a lot of what seemed to be purposeful interfence on top of thier signal. Example would be tuning up right on top of the POTA operator for long periods of time. I have seen videos of such interference on Facebook. I am pretty sure experienced it myself recently during a POTA I was doing.

I read where FCC has caught Blue Waffle in the act of interference on the 2 meter band where he was caught in what looked like purposeful jamming of a repeater. I couldn't help but wonder and hope that at some point that what appears to be intentional jamming of POTA operations will catch the attention of the FCC.

I just wonder though what is this hate towards one of the activities of ham radio? It seems to go on quite regularly. I will be doing one again this weekend during a ARRL contest. I am curious if I will hear incidents of what sounds like intentional jamming when operators are calling CQ contest?
The FCC is a Toothless Lion that Nobody fears.We have dozens & dozens if not hundreds of Deer Hunters all over the 2 meter FM Band here in North Florida & South Georgia & we have more & more every Deer Season because they Love their FM CB Radios as they call them.We have reported them along with Names,Locations of the hunting clubs,vehicle tag numbers & even recordings of the activity & the FCC has done NOTHING now for over 15 years.Some of the hunters will also come onto the local 2 meter & 440 repeaters & ask for a Radio Check every now & then.If you think the FCC or any Goverment agency actually cares about you then you are for sure WOKE! They SUCK on their best day.

It's not just POTA that gets interference . Down on 40 meters there's an ass-hat that purposely goes up and down the band tuning radios , making loud annoying sounds , and using CW on top of ongoing Nets , and over people that are just talking ... I hope to hear his radio die (or worse) sometime while he's doing it .
I've often wonder , why do these people get away with constant interference for so long , why doesn't the FCC (or other Ham operators) do something about those idiots ? I can understand them not getting caught for a little while , but some of these idiots have been doing it for *Years* without any consequences to them for it . And other operators even say they know who it is ... but still , day after day we ALL have to continuously listen to their BS .

Rant over ... lol
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While I am strictly HF portable (SOTA), I am sort of anti-POTA. Not because of the setup itself but a few operators I have encountered and with RAC (Canadian ARRL).
In saying that, I have never had any problems with interferance while activation a SOTA summit. I did get on a frequency that a net goes, and was trying to start up. The net controller trying to start the net was a tool, but others gave me contacts for my four needed, and wished me safe travels back home.
Nets are not to be interfered with ever, ever, ever.....
except in an emergency only, ...... just ask the "Blue Waffle".
I wonder if he ever paid off that fine yet?
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Nets are not to be interfered with ever, ever, ever.....
except in an emergency only, ...... just ask the "Blue Waffle".
I wonder if he ever paid off that fine yet?
I was already operating on the frequency before they came on the air. Nothing posted anywhere on the web about that frequency and net being there that day / time. There is a net a few hours before I was on.
Nets are not to be interfered with ever, ever, ever.....
except in an emergency only, ...... just ask the "Blue Waffle".
I wonder if he ever paid off that fine yet?
Very few ever pay any fines because they keep appealing them until the government just stops going after them.I have known several over the years that were hit with very large fines & they never paid anything but they lost their license for just a couple of years at the most but they got them back in the end.

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I was already operating on the frequency before they came on the air. Nothing posted anywhere on the web about that frequency and net being there that day / time. There is a net a few hours before I was on.
A Net does NOT Own any frequency.They should Move Up or Down the band at least 3 KC's if those using the frequency don't wish to move.Most Nets are a waste of time like Southcars, Eastcars,& many others.All they do is talk about the weather, their health,medications,& a lot of other non vital stuff.They are not helping anyone with emergencies just the same bunch talking about the same things day after day after day.If I ever get that bored with my radios I will sell all of them & find another hobby.That's my 2 cents.

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i like the operators that sit silent till you strike up a queso and they litterally jump down your throat saying this is busy or get off its for emergencys.
even yesterday on wires x i had a grippy geezer do that. i decided nuff is nuff. pointed out it says rag chewing is encouraged in this room and looks like you down own this room cause your from boston according to your call sign n the room is from tejas. i continued to talk to the person i started to talk to.
no wonder amature radio has low numbers of operators
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I’ve been on the air since the 60s and this has never changed.
As in life, you will always run into that asshole(s).
For me, I command absolute control, and just use the on/off switch. Sometimes it sucks to do but it’s better then selling your station, again.
Maybe I’m too easy going but it’s a hobby for me and not a way of life. Learned that from being a member of every club, net, ares/races/semo organization going. Guess I turned into the ultimate sandbagger now. But I won't let them rock me.

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