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Power in Perspective / Transistors Verses MOSFETS

Switch Kit

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
I had dropped out of the hobby for about 8 years or so and came back a few years ago . I knew back then that MOSFETS were the growing trend and they seemed a lot cheaper to use and I've still been trying to shake hands with them ever since ? (to have a better understanding of them) I was old school and still had a appreciation for Motorola and Toshiba transistors , they just seemed to be a lot tougher then the MOSFETS ? But it looks like the times have changed . it's looking more and more like a MOSFET world to me ? Rangers doing 100 to 600 freaking watts out the box ! That's almost scary to me along with the price tags on those radios but yet MOSFETS are cheap ? and then I read about the Chinese knock off transistors work but there not as tough as the Moto's and Toshi's were ? but yet they will work well if you don't over drive the snot out of them ?
I see the RM Italy stuff and have been impressed with the RM 703 amps running 16 x 13N10s and sound great on SSB ...........500 big ones taxed and shipped ! when the 13N10s are only about 1.25 cents a piece (about 20 bucks to replace if blown in the 703s) Now that's cheap ! and fairly easy to replace in those amps (same as the KL 503's that run 9 of them although I'm not sure how well they would sound on SSB) I guess my confusion and question just comes down to , is one power source better then the other ? Transistors Verses MOSFETS .........Doesn't look like MOSFETS are going away to soon , especially when there powering some of the nice HF radios on the market theses days. Thanks for any input on this subject , I'm just getting older by the day and more and more plug and play , you know , if it works , don't fix it . Thanks again Switch Kit
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