The power strip I'm using breaker has tripped 4 time in about 2 months. I'm using the same 2 station setups that I've been since I purchased the strip about 2 years ago. It only trips when I'm a bit long winded. There's many times I've been long winded before the breaker began to trip about 2 months ago and the breaker never Tripped then. I don't know the specs beyond it has 10 recepticals and uses normal 110 corrent. It only trips while being a bit long winded but up until 2 months ago long windedness never caused the breaker to trip. I'm assuming it's been time for a new and improved one. Is there one someone who owns and uses a strip for a 4 watt transceiver, 500 watt amp and a pep reading meter and has been happy with it, without having similar issues they can recommend? Thanks. 73