No, 357Magnum, this is not about +P!
I have a relatively robust music collection... mostly of filetypes .m4a and .mp3. There is one indispensable tool that I recommend to tag and rename a music collection and it does not run on Linux. The name of that tool is, strangely enough, mp3tag and you can give it a whirl here: .
This tool makes it a delight to properly tag your files, and I also use it to delete any files with bit rates < 320 Kbps. When I purge these 'inferior' files, I am often left with empty directories. These empty directories can be somewhat difficult to remove manually, and I sure don't want them to continue being backed up by my nightly backup processes... and I really don't want these empty directories to be indexed by my streaming music server software.
So, as an exercise in futility I present 'try 0.1' at a PowerShell script to delete any directories in your production music collection containing no music files:
Change the file extensions to suit your liking.
There will be 'warnings' the first time you run it because certain files do not exist yet.
Log files, etc. are created @ C:\TEMP
I have a relatively robust music collection... mostly of filetypes .m4a and .mp3. There is one indispensable tool that I recommend to tag and rename a music collection and it does not run on Linux. The name of that tool is, strangely enough, mp3tag and you can give it a whirl here: .
This tool makes it a delight to properly tag your files, and I also use it to delete any files with bit rates < 320 Kbps. When I purge these 'inferior' files, I am often left with empty directories. These empty directories can be somewhat difficult to remove manually, and I sure don't want them to continue being backed up by my nightly backup processes... and I really don't want these empty directories to be indexed by my streaming music server software.
So, as an exercise in futility I present 'try 0.1' at a PowerShell script to delete any directories in your production music collection containing no music files:
function Get-Today()
return get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$tailRecursion = {
$today = Get-Today
$logfile = "C:\TEMP\$today-FolderRemovalLog.txt"
foreach ($childDirectory in Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path -Directory) {
& $tailRecursion -Path $childDirectory.FullName
$currentChildren = Get-ChildItem -Force -LiteralPath $Path
$isEmpty = $currentChildren -eq $null
if ($isEmpty) {
Write-Verbose "Removing empty folder at path '${Path}'." -Verbose
Add-Content "Removing empty folder at path '${Path}'." -Path $logfile
Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath $Path
# Call It like this:
# & $tailRecursion -Path 'C:\a'
If you want to test it here's code that will create interesting test data (make sure you don't already have a folder c:\a because it will be deleted):
# This creates some test data under C:\a (make sure this is not
# a directory you care about, because this will remove it if it
# exists). This test data contains a directory that is hidden
# that should be removed as well as a file that is hidden in a
# directory that should not be removed.
Remove-Item -Force -Path C:\a -Recurse
New-Item -Force -Path C:\a\b\c\d -ItemType Directory > $null
$hiddenFolder = Get-Item -Force -LiteralPath C:\a\b\c
$hiddenFolder.Attributes = $hiddenFolder.Attributes -bor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden
New-Item -Force -Path C:\a\b\e -ItemType Directory > $null
New-Item -Force -Path C:\a\f -ItemType Directory > $null
New-Item -Force -Path C:\a\f\g -ItemType Directory > $null
New-Item -Force -Path C:\a\f\h -ItemType Directory > $null
Out-File -Force -FilePath C:\a\f\test.jpg -InputObject 'Dummy file'
Out-File -Force -FilePath C:\a\f\foo.mp3 -InputObject 'Dummy file'
Out-File -Force -FilePath C:\a\f\h\hidden.jpg -InputObject 'Hidden file'
Out-File -Force -FilePath C:\a\f\h\hidden.m4a -InputObject 'Hidden file'
$hiddenFile = Get-Item -Force -LiteralPath C:\a\f\h\hidden.jpg
$hiddenFile.Attributes = $hiddenFile.Attributes -bor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden
$hiddenFile = Get-Item -Force -LiteralPath C:\a\f\h\hidden.m4a
$hiddenFile.Attributes = $hiddenFile.Attributes -bor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden
#Here's how you use it. Note that this will remove the top folder
#(the C:\a folder in this example, which gets created if you generated the test data using the script above)
#if that folder winds up being empty after deleting all empty folders under it.
$0dirfile = "C:\temp\0dirlist.txt"
Clear-Content $0dirfile
$ipath = (Read-Host "Please Enter The filepath to recurse and delete if no music files")
$ipath = $ipath.trim()
Add-Content $ipath -Path $0dirfile
$1dirfile = "C:\temp\1dirlist.txt"
Clear-Content $1dirfile
$path=(Get-Content $0dirfile)
$folders = Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse |where{$_.psiscontainer}|select -ExpandProperty fullname #list all subfolders under the directory
foreach($folder in $folders){
$judge=Get-ChildItem $folder -Recurse |where {$_.fullname -like "*.m4a" -or $ -like "*.mp3"} #filter the folders have music files
write-host "$folder has no music files"}
add-content $folder -Path $1dirfile
#Don't boof the pooch!
#Run a single recursion FIRST so as not to delete a folder of folders, you bonehead!
$2dirfile = "C:\temp\2dirlist.txt"
Clear-Content $2dirfile
$noboofpaths = (Get-Content $1dirfile)
ForEach ($path in $noboofpaths)
$folders = Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse |where{$_.psiscontainer}|select -ExpandProperty fullname #list all subfolders under the directory
foreach($folder in $folders){
$judge=Get-ChildItem $folder -Recurse |where {$_.fullname -like "*.m4a" -or $ -like "*.mp3"} #filter folders have music file
write-host "$folder has no music files"}
add-content $folder -Path $2dirfile
# Remove Secondary and Tertiary Directories containing no music.
$path = ""
$paths = ""
$paths = (Get-Content $2dirfile)
foreach ($path in $paths)
$path = $path.Trim()
& $tailRecursion -Path $path
# Remove the rest! Bye-Bye!
$path = ""
$paths = ""
$paths = (Get-Content $0dirfile)
foreach ($path in $paths)
$path = $path.Trim()
& $tailRecursion -Path $path
Change the file extensions to suit your liking.
There will be 'warnings' the first time you run it because certain files do not exist yet.
Log files, etc. are created @ C:\TEMP