I have been a loyal 102" stainless steel whip user for years. Simply because this old time classic has what it takes. Well I have a customized truck and it was time for a change. Went with the Predator 10-K with a 22" shaft. Now that antenna compared very well to my 102's. I expressed for something different once again and got it. Kale Cavel of Cowtown Antennas let me know what some of the guys were doing in the past. Well to make a long story short Kale made a 7/8"X36" aluminum shaft. Then I was to cut and tune from a 102" whip. In the end resulting with an antenna that tunes well, firmer stance especially at highway speeds, extremely low refective SWR, pleasing overall appearence and awesome performance. When doing a swap in and out test between the standard 102" and the Predator Freedom 1-K I noticed that the antenna with a combo aluminum/stainless steel did better on the swing. Kale told me He don`t know why, but for some reason, if you put a whip inside a tube it works better.I have no antenna anaylzer but done several usage tests. Well with a K40 heavy duty stud mount with a brass center, custom bed rail L-bracket and 21' of Belden RG-8/U coax with silver plated teflon insulation PL-259's this set up provides the best performance. I found the performance range is 25-35 air miles. Have not had a chance yet to test it during DX conditions. Have a pretty near 1.1:1 match and pretty happy with this antenna. Below are some pictures and I welcome any comments. Remember I am still learning about antennas of this caliper.