Going to be using one of these antenna's for experiment. I run the Wilson 5000 roof mount now. IM looking at running the 10K off a puck mount. I know what one looks like.
Will the Wilson roof mount hole work on this ? is the puck mount lugged or 239ed ? (I prefer lugs)
What would I need on the bottom of the puck for stability on my car ?
I would prefer to use a single coiled 10K although I do have all the coils and the shafts for height if needed.
Bottom line , if a puck isn't good enough ? any other mount that would be suggested, would be of help , I don't like magmounts of any kind.Any help or understandings on this antenna and mount would be appreciated . (any posted pictures would be great) Thanks
Will the Wilson roof mount hole work on this ? is the puck mount lugged or 239ed ? (I prefer lugs)
What would I need on the bottom of the puck for stability on my car ?
I would prefer to use a single coiled 10K although I do have all the coils and the shafts for height if needed.
Bottom line , if a puck isn't good enough ? any other mount that would be suggested, would be of help , I don't like magmounts of any kind.Any help or understandings on this antenna and mount would be appreciated . (any posted pictures would be great) Thanks
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