good point oldtimer, if his Grant is the export model, then its going to be different than the 148 style chassis.
i cant seem to find any differences between the grant and the 148 with regards to how the PA and EXT SPEAKER jacks are wired.
my guess is that you were trying the wrong two solder pads.
what you want to do is connect the outer shell (ground) of the EXT SP. jack to the outer shell of the PA SP. jack through a resistor.
to find the right solder pad, put your voltmeter on continuity mode, and put one lead right inside the hole of the EXT SP. jack and touch it to the side of the jack.
then put the other meter lead on the solder pad you think it is and make sure there is continuity between them.
do the same with the PA SP. jack and you should have the right pads.
they should be the solder pads closest to the back of the radio right underneath the jacks.
remember that you are connecting the "grounds/shields" of the jacks, not the center pins.
from what i can tell, this should work.