It's been more than a couple of months since I've had the opportunity to listen to any Psk31, so things can certainly have changed since then. I have noticed that an optimum time for any particular mode, band, whatever depends a lot on time zones, where/who you might be particularly interested in contacting, and naturally the 'attitude' of 'Momma nature' on any particular day/band.
First, things are going to depend on what time I happen to have available to listen to the radio. Work day or am I off work, have something I have to do at home before playing radio, something important on TV (ball-game, Miss America run-offs, etc.), is there something the 'significant other' thinks is more important than playing radio, you know, the biggies. Now, firgure that same sort of stuff for the party on the other end that you want to talk to. Time Zones are just a handy way of dividing places in to parts that are typically doing the same sort of things at about the same times. Like the song says, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere", right? Then you get to sort through all the bands, antennas, propagation for what can I usually hear, at what particular times during the day/night. And what makes all of this even more 'fun', how does my particular schedule compare with other people's? 'Normal', almost 'normal', work weird hours, no schedule at all (retired, HA!). After you run things through those 'filters', you come up with something approaching an 'optimum time' for you to be found on the air.
And since we 'turned it around' to start with, turn it back around and figure all of that out for the next guy! Those 'optimum time' things have to stay really 'broad', just can't get too 'exact', and will always be changing to some extent. Then you have the 'bad days' type thingy when Momma Nature just doesn't like you for some reason. [By the way, Momma Nature is ALWAYS right! Is that called 'brown nosing', 'sucking up'? You @#$ right! And that is something that is NEVER wrong regarding Momma Nature! Just thought you might wanna know that.]
Ever heard such nonsense before?
Well, the way I wrote it is nonsense, but the idea behind it isn't. Is it??
- 'Doc
PS - And as is normal for me, I found so many spelling mistakes that after going back and correcting a few, I give up. If it's spelled wrong, wrong word, or whatever, live with it, I'm tired or correctin that stuff.