I won't waste anymore time complaining about all the the things wrong with eBay while they do a few things right. Wish we could turn the clock back 15 years when they weren't such a-holes. So let the Chess Game continue. You already know that if a buyer writes you offering an acceptable Side Deal .... the Bay's computer has taken a lesson from facebook and the googler and employs algorithms to detect > at least Sellers < from trying to send or solicit phone numbers or email addresses to/from a buyer .... so a side deal can be worked. As a Seller, I have had them stop me from sending such info in a Message complete with nasty threatening messages after the communication was blocked. So recently I thought I would try another way and it worked. Use a simple and free photoshop program or website ( I use pizap .com), or any other one, and make a picture with words or other instruction embedded in it and then send the photo along in your message. Here are just 2 examples. Use your imagination and make anything you like. In the Blue one I simply spelled the words backwards. The black one is just as easy. I have used them both and they went through. 'Bay is trying to corner the market on capitalism but I say burn the mutha to the ground.