Some might consider it a "stretch" ..but in a way it IS CB RELATED!!! 
A while back I bumped into a couple of test equipment pieces that I am targeting for Champo.
One is an Eico Model 147A Signal Tracer, the other is a Heathkit IG-11 RF Signal Generator.
(not really looking for help.... just thought I would entertain some of you as you pass by!)
Today I have the RF generator on my bench.
The modulating audio oscillator is working fine. Literally ... power the thing up... it works.
I wish I could say that for the RF oscillator.
This thing has 6 bands total..... 5 natural and one "harmonic".
NONE of them work.
Focusing first on the natural bands......
It's weird.... a hartley oscillator is really "duck soup simple".... but this one just flat does NOT start up on any band at all. The tube is good....but I also replaced it with a spare..... same result.
The plate is SUPPOSED to measure 65 VDC but it measures the full B+ of about 130VDC. Also the grid should be -4... and it is 0. Pretty much confirms that the little oscillator isn't oscillating!!!!
Again... as it doesn't fire up on any band... there aren't THAT MANY pieces to this thing that affect ALL bands.
I do believe that this did work at one time...... but the first thing I will do is verify the wiring.... just to make sure that the circuit wiring is intact.
Assuming that is ok... there are only about 3 or 4 components (2 caps, 1 resistor and the big tuning cap) to check out........
If that ain't it........ I'm looking at the big band switch. It is a two wafer, double sided (so 4 pole) 6 position rotary switch that is probably 3 days older than dirt... and I have to say that all of the contact surfaces are dark and nasty looking......
If it isn't any of that....... then it is probably the "paint on the cabinet" and I will get that on order!!!!!!
Again...... kind of posting this for fun's sake......
All of you have a great weekend!

A while back I bumped into a couple of test equipment pieces that I am targeting for Champo.
One is an Eico Model 147A Signal Tracer, the other is a Heathkit IG-11 RF Signal Generator.
(not really looking for help.... just thought I would entertain some of you as you pass by!)
Today I have the RF generator on my bench.
The modulating audio oscillator is working fine. Literally ... power the thing up... it works.
I wish I could say that for the RF oscillator.
This thing has 6 bands total..... 5 natural and one "harmonic".
NONE of them work.
Focusing first on the natural bands......
It's weird.... a hartley oscillator is really "duck soup simple".... but this one just flat does NOT start up on any band at all. The tube is good....but I also replaced it with a spare..... same result.
The plate is SUPPOSED to measure 65 VDC but it measures the full B+ of about 130VDC. Also the grid should be -4... and it is 0. Pretty much confirms that the little oscillator isn't oscillating!!!!
Again... as it doesn't fire up on any band... there aren't THAT MANY pieces to this thing that affect ALL bands.
I do believe that this did work at one time...... but the first thing I will do is verify the wiring.... just to make sure that the circuit wiring is intact.
Assuming that is ok... there are only about 3 or 4 components (2 caps, 1 resistor and the big tuning cap) to check out........
If that ain't it........ I'm looking at the big band switch. It is a two wafer, double sided (so 4 pole) 6 position rotary switch that is probably 3 days older than dirt... and I have to say that all of the contact surfaces are dark and nasty looking......
If it isn't any of that....... then it is probably the "paint on the cabinet" and I will get that on order!!!!!!
Again...... kind of posting this for fun's sake......
All of you have a great weekend!