This thread is planned to use a poll to get opinions on the need for radials, slanted, horizontal, 1/4 wave, or less than a 1/4 wave on the A99. After a few days for the poll, I will post a recap result for this work, and we'll see what my Exnec models show us in the regard, OK?
JJ, our buddy from Columbia SA, talked to me a while back about what Eznec5 suggested about radials on the A99. He had a project in mind, and wanted to know what would be the best length for radials made of 1/2" tubing compared to the 72" stock radials. I agreed to model several scenarios that he could consider. I just sent those models along with my recap results to JJ.
I told him I didn't think, based on my real world testing and some modeling, that radials would make much difference in just about any configuration and explained why.
Well, I did an A99 with 4 x 105" inch radials...both slanted at about 45* degrees, and horizontal. I also did the same model with 72" radials slanted down, and another model with no radials at all, just like a lot of A99s are installed, except for the isolated mast maybe.
JJ, planned to mount his antenna on a non-conductive 38' foot mast, so these models do not include the mast. I also did these models in free space, and over Eznec's real world Earth, set to average soil conditions. The recap, to be posed later, is broken down into two groups, real world, and free space, showing both the maximum angle lobe in degrees, and gain.
As comparison, I have posted below a Free Space (FS) model that I did a while back for a thread where Bob85 presented his idea for shortened radials with a system that retains the full 1/4 wave length along with Multimode 200, the owner of the antenna. I did alter this model a bit for height to equal JJ's idea, and made sure all settings were similar.
View attachment Bob's .50w radial idea FS.pdf
JJ, our buddy from Columbia SA, talked to me a while back about what Eznec5 suggested about radials on the A99. He had a project in mind, and wanted to know what would be the best length for radials made of 1/2" tubing compared to the 72" stock radials. I agreed to model several scenarios that he could consider. I just sent those models along with my recap results to JJ.
I told him I didn't think, based on my real world testing and some modeling, that radials would make much difference in just about any configuration and explained why.
Well, I did an A99 with 4 x 105" inch radials...both slanted at about 45* degrees, and horizontal. I also did the same model with 72" radials slanted down, and another model with no radials at all, just like a lot of A99s are installed, except for the isolated mast maybe.
JJ, planned to mount his antenna on a non-conductive 38' foot mast, so these models do not include the mast. I also did these models in free space, and over Eznec's real world Earth, set to average soil conditions. The recap, to be posed later, is broken down into two groups, real world, and free space, showing both the maximum angle lobe in degrees, and gain.
As comparison, I have posted below a Free Space (FS) model that I did a while back for a thread where Bob85 presented his idea for shortened radials with a system that retains the full 1/4 wave length along with Multimode 200, the owner of the antenna. I did alter this model a bit for height to equal JJ's idea, and made sure all settings were similar.
View attachment Bob's .50w radial idea FS.pdf