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radiolocation rpo


Feb 9, 2008
in many parts of the world cbradiofolk running rpo ræveløb in car . if you have any info on what it is called in Polish ? would also like ha link to websites dealing with this, its fun ,, here a link on how we run in denmark
movie low 2,6 mb

Movie high 11 bm
:drool: 73-51 from sa 143 denmark

Watch the videos on the link. They're doing fox hunting on CB channels using CB's. I think I saw an old Cobra 19 in one of the cars. This is a pretty common "sport" with some of the ham guys. I don't think I've heard of anyone doing this with CB's, but why not? Check out the loop antennas they've got on the cars and the setup they rigged to turn the loops. Pretty cool...
Back in the 80's/90's 'rabbit hunts' were quite common around here on 11m. We had them every other Saturday night, then we'd head for the local Denny's and sit around drinking coffee and BSing til the wee hours of the morning. With the decline in active stations the 'sport' eventually died off.

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