I'm getting a new vehicle in a couple of months and it has a very cool hidden spot where I could install an amp for a very clean install (hidden) however it would be inaccessable to turn the amp on or off and I don't want to hardwire a remote power switch.
Has anyone tried using a remote control switch for applying power to an amp?
https://www.12vmonster.com/products/dc-12v-latching-10a-heavy-duty-boat-car-low-voltage-wireless-remote-control-kit?currency=USD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw7rWKBhAtEiwAJ3CWLNxqtdXQ2mQOXMCokNqLbdD1JeNqFVosPrZQK5xA8sMtb9zmAefU_BoCEb4QAvD_BwE
That's just an example - then one I'm looking at is 40 amp
Has anyone tried using a remote control switch for applying power to an amp?
https://www.12vmonster.com/products/dc-12v-latching-10a-heavy-duty-boat-car-low-voltage-wireless-remote-control-kit?currency=USD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw7rWKBhAtEiwAJ3CWLNxqtdXQ2mQOXMCokNqLbdD1JeNqFVosPrZQK5xA8sMtb9zmAefU_BoCEb4QAvD_BwE
That's just an example - then one I'm looking at is 40 amp
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