This Retevis Ailunce HS4 is straight forward and easy to operate. The menu system is explained very well in the user manual. All user settings are digital. I found some info on the service menus also. Similar to the Anytone radios. Before adjusting got 40 peak watts on LP-100A and decent audio on the scope. The spectrum analyzer showed the radio perfect on frequency. It has good recieve. Also found and played with the TX noise gate, it appears to reduce background noise. The radio has many more features. I will update this post after I spend some more time with it. You can easily switch between 10 and 11 meter bands at power up. Just power on while holding the FNC and EMG buttons then select band1 or band2 then long press the FNC button until you see rend and re start. After playing with modulation settings, I got good reports on the Audio using an Extreme 2018 power mic.
Thank you to Moleculo and Thank you to Retevis for giving away a really cool radio.
You can purchase the Retevis Ailunce HS4 here.
I have no other social media accounts. I hope this is sufficient.
Thank you to Moleculo and Thank you to Retevis for giving away a really cool radio.
You can purchase the Retevis Ailunce HS4 here.
I have no other social media accounts. I hope this is sufficient.