My fault - Left station hooked up on a day it wasn't even supposed to rain. This one cloud comes by with some lightning in it and I must have taken a little finger strike to the antenna. Antenna, power supply and mobile radio - all no damage .... but the 703 was affected. I am just tired of spending money on an 11 meter station to talk to the 2 or 3 locals that are still left around. I can talk barefoot on my medium power mobile and I have a full size HF rig.
Bought this 500Watt, 8 Mosfet 703 in early March. It still mostly works just has low output now. Keys 20W with p.e.p to a bit over 100 so something inside got popped. I stopped using it after an initial test to not make anything worse. Fans, preamp ... all works. Can see nothing obviously burned inside. I'm not a tech and just don't want to send it off anywhere to get fixed .... spending more money. Hopefully there is only 1 minor part popped somewhere. Might be a easy breezy fix for a competent tech. There are techs in my area that can work on it - but like I said I'm just tired of buying and more spending. Have factory box and owner's manual. Cost $480 plus tax in March. Make a reasonable offer. Paypal fine. Has 3 power settings and accepts up to 30 watt input all modes. Rated 25~30mhz
Bought this 500Watt, 8 Mosfet 703 in early March. It still mostly works just has low output now. Keys 20W with p.e.p to a bit over 100 so something inside got popped. I stopped using it after an initial test to not make anything worse. Fans, preamp ... all works. Can see nothing obviously burned inside. I'm not a tech and just don't want to send it off anywhere to get fixed .... spending more money. Hopefully there is only 1 minor part popped somewhere. Might be a easy breezy fix for a competent tech. There are techs in my area that can work on it - but like I said I'm just tired of buying and more spending. Have factory box and owner's manual. Cost $480 plus tax in March. Make a reasonable offer. Paypal fine. Has 3 power settings and accepts up to 30 watt input all modes. Rated 25~30mhz