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Rotator support plate help


Active Member
Jul 15, 2010
My tower is an Amerite 'Special Series'. I guess its special because it is not quite the same dimensions as a Rohn 25. https://amertower.com/special-series-towers/s-1/

Anyway,I need a rotator/accessory plate for it. I bought a DXE-AS25G accessory shelf, but it won't fit inside the tower. Its too big.

Does anyone know if the DXE-AS455G will fit in the Special series tower? It appears as if it is adjustable which is great, but not sure if the plate itself would be too big. I can't find the dimensions for it. (only dimensions I see are for the lay out of the holes).

(I know there is a specific plate from Amerite for this tower, but it appears to be out of stock and/or special order only. I'd like to find something in the next week or two, rather than wait a month for a special order.

Great Guy...He may have a Rohn 25G bracket in-stock...and trim down... To Fit
Knowing Norm, he has done this already and has the specs needed.... or already has template to produce one...His work is Top Shelve! You call on the landline, you'll mostly get his better half...Be nice, she's The Production Mgr. and CFO :cool: (y)

PS: The item you ask about at DXE is for tower BIGGER than yours's even with the adjustable bracket...likely will not fit inside/outside your tower
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I suppose you could order the rotator plate from the tower manufacturer.




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  • @ BJ radionut:
    Length on matching stubs is critical...Length of rods is part of the overall antenna...Would appear antenna is too Long...same on Both Polarities or different?
  • @ Crawdad:
    Here's a thought: Could the length of the SS welding rod need to be different than what the broken rod(s) were due to a different Velocity Factor of SS?
  • @ Jim5570091:
    Close to the same. Thats the rout I was going. But needed a second opinion. Thanks cranking the hazer up and down testing was getting to an old man. Upper 90s here. Cheers 297 The red dog north Alabama.
  • @ Jim5570091:
    Maybe. I wasn’t impressed with just clamping the shield wire to the boom with a hose clamp. I built a l bracket with so239 female hubs. I posted a picture on the recent gallery’s.
  • @ Jim5570091:
    Well I cut the matching stubs down 1 inch at a time from about 20” down to 6”. Still no real changes.