Damn, if only all the women on the other side of the key were that hot!
Yes it IS Renee Russo:
Press Release/ Probate Uncovered, Inc. Hires Hillary Jollimore as Director of Marketing - Real Estate/Property Management - Probate Uncovered, Inc. | PRZOOM
Probate Uncovered, Inc. Hires Hillary Jollimore as Director of Marketing
PRZOOM - Newswire/ - In a move designed to improve their market segment and expand their reach, Probate Unlimited, Inc. has hired Hillary Jollimore to head their marketing department. Ms. Jollimore brings much experience in Internet and press marketing and PR.
Pinellas Park, FL, United States, 04/24/2008 – Probate Uncovered, Inc. has hired Hillary Jollimore as the Director of Marketing. Ms. Jollimore, a 2000 graduate of New Hampshire College, has a background in Marketing, Public Relations, Compliance, and Sales with companies such as Intuit, Inc. and HSBC Mortgage Services. Ms. Jollimore served in the United States Air Force as an Engineering Technician for 8 years prior to entering the business and government sector.
Ms Jollimore was brought on board to facilitate the needs of this growing company and to help develop strategies to aid not only the company, but its' growing client base as well. She brings to the table not only her marketing experience, but a vast knowledge of customer service techniques and event planning. Ms. Jollimore began her career as a junior copywriter at
President Electronics in Irvine, CA. She was just sixteen at the time and it was probably no coincidence that her father, Ken Jollimore was the Marketing and Sales VP. Regardless of how she managed to snag that first position, after working with a very young Renee Russo at a photo shoot for the CB radio company, she decided that marketing and advertising were an avenue she would like to pursue.