I have an opportunity to obtain an SB 220. There is much information to be found online about these amps and I've read through a bunch of it. What I can't find is a definitive answer on how well these old boxes tune up on 11.
Therefore I have a few questions for the more learned out there
1) How well do these amps work on AM? I'm primarily an SSB operator but occasionally like to rag chew on AM. I tend to be a bit long-winded in my transmissions and was wondering how well the amp will hold up.
2) Is the 3-500z truly an 'instant on' tube? The lack of a standby switch on the SB 220 concerns me. I figure I can control the output with the drive so a 'hi/lo' switch isn't necessary.
3) Is there any significant benefit in making it into a mono-bander?
4) Will a Cobra 135 and a sweep tube driver amp key the thing? Or are additional mods necessary?
5) On this website: Circuit Improvements for the Heath SB-220 Amplifier the author speaks of a problem with the 3-500 going into VHF parasitic oscillation causing the tubes to short out. Is this really a frequent problem?
I've been searching for a larger amp for a while. Being a tube geek I'm not interested in solid-state amps. Comparing the costs of a 'real' amp vs. the sweep tubes I've been using, the 'real' amps come out ahead in the long run. I understand that those 3-500s can last for decades if not abused. I'm getting good life out of my old sweepies but the cost of retubing something like a Phantom really gives one pause which is why I'm looking at the 220.
No doubt the 220 will provide a cleaner signal than the sweepies. In every comparison I can think of the 220 wins hands down. This should be a no-brainer choice but it's actually keeping me awake at night.
Advice, comments and complaints are welcome.
Therefore I have a few questions for the more learned out there
1) How well do these amps work on AM? I'm primarily an SSB operator but occasionally like to rag chew on AM. I tend to be a bit long-winded in my transmissions and was wondering how well the amp will hold up.
2) Is the 3-500z truly an 'instant on' tube? The lack of a standby switch on the SB 220 concerns me. I figure I can control the output with the drive so a 'hi/lo' switch isn't necessary.
3) Is there any significant benefit in making it into a mono-bander?
4) Will a Cobra 135 and a sweep tube driver amp key the thing? Or are additional mods necessary?
5) On this website: Circuit Improvements for the Heath SB-220 Amplifier the author speaks of a problem with the 3-500 going into VHF parasitic oscillation causing the tubes to short out. Is this really a frequent problem?
I've been searching for a larger amp for a while. Being a tube geek I'm not interested in solid-state amps. Comparing the costs of a 'real' amp vs. the sweep tubes I've been using, the 'real' amps come out ahead in the long run. I understand that those 3-500s can last for decades if not abused. I'm getting good life out of my old sweepies but the cost of retubing something like a Phantom really gives one pause which is why I'm looking at the 220.
No doubt the 220 will provide a cleaner signal than the sweepies. In every comparison I can think of the 220 wins hands down. This should be a no-brainer choice but it's actually keeping me awake at night.
Advice, comments and complaints are welcome.