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SBE sidebandII

doc john

New Member
Sep 1, 2024
First post: I bought back my old SBE sideband II CB because my grandson got interested in CB, at least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I think it might even be my original radio. Anyway, the question. This is an SBE cb12/T dated about 1973. I have completely restored this radio with a complete electrolytic replacement., it works like gang busters once again!

My question is about the /T. I have Sam's CB 50 for data, plus the original service info from SBE but neither show the /T variant.
Anybody out there have any knowledge on the /T. While restoring the radio that appears all original and un-molested or modified there are several components that are not show or listed on the CB 12 schematics.

Thanks in advance for the help John

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