This is a neat gadget!
No one
.... Simplex repeaters , also called store and forward repeaters are a pain in the ass and have been around for a couple decades...
Cheap band aid with very limited uses. Simplex repeaters , also called store and forward repeaters are a pain in the ass and have been around for a couple decades. You first transmit and then unkey. The transmitter then plays your audio so you get to hear it all over again before the other party gets his go at it.
yep,.... i'm trying to 'member,..... weren't most of them made by Radio Shack?
Yep, radio shack sold one for years. There were some local CB guys that loved to use those to be a pain in the ass on the band back in the day. It could be pretty funny at times...
There are some very specific use cases where those simplex repeaters could work well, but I've never found a reason to need one.