Well, some recent CB shop horse shit jockey experience to share. I wanted to try a dual antenna setup. Not cophase, but on a antenna switch, to try different antenna with this skip. One top load, one center load. Just an experiment for shits and giggles. I found a shop that sold one of the antennas I wanted, a Skip Shooter, and a antenna switch. That guy tells me he's got 35 years experience, and knows his shit. I asked about cophased antennas, and he said they transmit the signal left and right, and the coax needs to be 75 ohm, and must be 18', whether single or cophased, 18' each leg. OK, I've heard and read the ohm info before. So, I ask him to make me up me up some coax, RG 58UA. He solders the amphenol connections, I pay, and off I go. I try to hook up the coax, and it won't fit. Clumps of solder, and looked to be over heated. I scrape down the mess to fit. Swrs really high. I notice the connection is a bit loose. I hold it tight, tape it up, swrs go down, but are still high. Bad solder job from "the expert," and I noticed it was 8x coax, not RG58au as I requested. Yes, I should have checked before leaving, buyer beware, etc, but for "trust!" So, I tried some cheap truckstop coax, RG58AU, Swrs come down again, but still high. Can't tune the 5 ft SKip Shooter low enough. I tried the switch. Swrs double, both with a 3' jumper, and the 10" or 12" lead on the back of my radio. Bad switch, or just bad idea. I stop at another cb shop. He tells me he's a ham operator, a licensed tech, with 29 years experience. I ask him about coax, single and cophase. He says all coax, single or cophase should be 50ohm. That a single coax should be 18', but cophased 9' each leg, 18' total, no harness, not 75 ohm, but 50 ohm, and both 9' legs go into a T connection, and into radio. Now, Ive tead from actual antenna/coax material, that 50ohm cophased, especially into a T connection simply won't work. I asked him about this, and he got irritated, and claimed he's been making them up like that for years, and they work. He also said cophased antennas transmit signal front to back, not left and right. Also to ground more from antenna, directly to the frame. Now, I've heard from others, that grouding should be done in legs, sections. Say, from the antenna to the body, body to fire wall, fire wall to frame or engine. So, that's what I did. Yet another cb shop I went to uses lmr240 for both single, and cophased antenna setups, and said grounding the antenna system isn't a good idea, because the ground causes the truck to essentially become part of the antenna system. That "cb shop" also has one meter in the messy, disorganized shop. A small Dosy, period. But, he said he was a former electrician, so he segwayed after retirement into the cb tech trade. A struggling one from all appearances. He's also training his two daughters now to be "cb techs." No tech school, no knowledge of the various meters, and equipment, etc. I watched one of his daughters look up on YouTube how to tune a particular Stryker he was trying to work on for him. Finally, the CB tech who I go to for all my radios, as I by from no other, for 15 years now, due to all the aforementioned "experts," and "techs" out there, in these snip and clip, chop up cb shops, actually sold me my latest radio, a Ranger 69ffb4. Well, I don't know if it's his age, health issues, or what, but it hasn't been transmitting or receiving right, and I noticed it was throwing a 100 watt carrier on ssb, so I had one shop with actual equipment in view do a bench check. It definitely was throwing a carrier on ssb, and was not transmitting as it should, nor at the peak modulation, as advertised, both on both the box, or as told to me by the shop I purchased it from. 150 watts less on AM, and 75 watts less on ssb. An $850 purchase! The echo and talk back suck as well. Now I have to have a conversation with who I believe to be an honest tech, with actual knowledge and integrity. A bad radio, or a bad tune & alignment, or is he slipping? This was a first. All my other radios done, or bought there were top shelf! Anyway, just a long gripe about the various types of cb shop "techs" out here, most, not all Im sure, that are in my opinion, bullshit jockeys, snip and clip golden screw driver, smoke and mirror, and incompetent morons, that have no right behind a bench!