Your typical AM signal consist of a carrier, a lower side band (LSB) and an upper side band (USB).
Key the microphone and don’t speak into it that is your carrier.
No speak into the microphone. With out going into great detail, your voice will now modulate the signal. If your were to look at it on a spectrum analyzer your will see a carrier and your speech a little bit above and below your carrier.
For AM you have RF power for the carrier, which doesn’t carry any information or speech. You also have RF power to go to both side bands, which carry the exact same information.
What SSB (Single Side Band) does is eliminates the carrier and one of the side bands. Now all of your available power goes towards your speech.
The AM signal uses over twice the spectrum of a SSB signal. (Except for super bowl operators, I think it is more like 20 times????) Your receivers in SSB radios can have tighter filters with less noise. It also means less spectrum is used to hold a conversation.
The drawbacks of SSB is that you have to be on the exact same frequency, hence the clarifier. On AM you can be 1 or 2 KHz off and only a few people will even notice. On SSB 1 KHz off and you will not be understood. How close you have to be is up to the individual receiving you.
A lot of AMer’s will say it is a hassle to have to tune in everyone. That is due to inexperience, poorly tuned radio or a poorly made radio. A lot of radios are set up to be good AM radios and the SSB portion is usually ignored by most techs. I use SSB over 99% of the time. I’m 99% of the time mobile. I rarely have to tune anyone in.
As far a SSB is for DX only, I would have to disagree. For regular 40 channel use, then AM is probably the dominant mode, since only 5 of the 40 channels are “reserved” for SSB. Once you get above 40 or way below 1, SSB is more widely used than AM. It will vary by region, but where I live the only AM activity is truckers and school kids. There is at least 10 different channels where locals hang out on SSB and talk local.
Check out 27.475 LSB and talk to a lot of forum members.