I know this topic has been brought up but I am looking at one I found brand new in the box and was thinking of finding a used one and try it for something new to tinker with. I know the main issue was people looking at the mic and saying wow my RCI 6 pin is the same then plugging it in and poof goes the processor from 13.8 volts backfiring off a volted pin on the superstar mic socket. That wont happen here but I am curious how some of you others that are familiar with this radio rate it Recieve transmit audio ETC. If I were to get one it would be set up and left at that. Are they reliable?? Are they comparable to rci or the galaxy 2547 2517 ETC. or are these galaxy and others better radios all the way around than the superstar? I have got mixed opinions from people I have talked with about this in the past.