By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor
This week, Surfin’ looks at the minimalized side of ham radio.
The Dayton Hamvention® is coming up in just a few more weeks. In parallel with Hamvention is the Four Days in May (FDIM) event -- a ham radio convention with an emphasis on QRP -- which runs Thursday through Sunday of Hamvention week on the northeast side of Dayton (as opposed to the northwes...
Contributing Editor
This week, Surfin’ looks at the minimalized side of ham radio.
The Dayton Hamvention® is coming up in just a few more weeks. In parallel with Hamvention is the Four Days in May (FDIM) event -- a ham radio convention with an emphasis on QRP -- which runs Thursday through Sunday of Hamvention week on the northeast side of Dayton (as opposed to the northwes...