no expert here , but I like 1 to 2 watts max on any Texas Star for that matter. There hot running amps to begin with...but hey hey hey ....I like swing kits too (-: I've said it once and I'll say it again , I don't talk to machines !! I talk to people .......believe it or not , there's a big differents there. I totally understand the quote on qoute "experts" feeling on the matter , I've heard them and liked them to many times not to. Oh I know .....I wouldn't know a good radio if I heard one ? That's far from the truth !! I think after 20 years , I know a good one from a totally balls to the walls over modulated one. Swing Kit or NPC or not !! DTB , I respect what you have to say man , but cb radio for me is about having fun , and if I can't have fun in this hobby ? that's when it's time to hang it up for good. IM sure the machine would say IM not doing very well , but I honestly can't remember the last time I got a bad radio check ? It may be rocket science for some , but it's just about having fun for me. If you took the radio to a tech and he tuned it and he knew you were running a TS 400 ? He would have never set your DK that High , A good to do tech would have told you to bring your amp in so he could make both your radio and amp sing in harmony . I would highly suggest you have the DK turned down .......and while your at it .....make sure you got a good match on your antenna system 1.5 or less. Good luck to you.