Today I put a new tip on my Hustler HQ-27 because I changed radios and it was tuned for my Cobra that died. So I got the SWR set at 1.1-1.5 that is good enough for me. Then I go and get fuel in my truck. On the way I decide to take a ride and listen to my radio and try it out. I turn on channel 19 and there is a Driver talking and it is loud and clear. My meter is pegged! WOW I did it look at the reception. I am feeling very good. All of my work payed off. Now I know how important SWR adjustments are. Then I noticed a Large 18 wheeler next to me with a Predator antenna then I noticed he was talking on his mike. Then I noticed every time he put the mike to his mouth I herd a Driver on the radio. Then it hit me like a bag of bricks. It's him! What a let down. How often has this ever happened to anyone. Now the reception is the same. I cant tell the same but it's done right. :x :roll: