UPDATE!! c22 was shorted, I had 13.8 on my antenna out line. I replaced c2 and the l1 rf choke, went through series of tests for swr, pass through, the gamut. Hooked it up to my test am radio, powered up, no smoke!! 3 watts in, over 100w out, I noticed at that time dial a watt was not working, I wanted to turn it down..so, hooked to my uniden Washington, turned the mic gain to half so she wouldn't push as many watts, and proceeded to chat with my local friends, this puppy was killing it! I jumped at least 3 s units on report. About my forth key up the amp went into a dummy load pretty much, like a 2 watt output..recieve amp works fine, I can power off, just recieve amp on, and talk my regular watts from my Washington. So, transistors seemed to be fine...it worked for a bit, what now? Nothing looks burned inside..this is significant progress, but another step back, where do I go from here?