Don't quote me on my time line but i began askung questions about a year ago. My first questions were regarding the coax i should purchase. Then erecting my antenna at not an ideal height. Then at least 50 questions most involving my initial station (amps,jumpers,driving wattage, tunning and so on) setup. It took a while to get it as close to correct as I could. It's been about 5 months since I've been setup and propagation ready. I can think of six people who've been exstramly helpful. I don't want to mention them by name because there's been at least 50 or more other members who have also helped and if I listed everyone by name this post would be three pages long. I appreciate everyone who's help me get up and going and although I put my station together it's working nicely because of you. Most of the credit definitely goes to all who've advised me this last year. This is a picture of the setup that cameout of tthose answered questions. It will definitely change as I will remove certain items to try some of the other's I've yet to pull o ut of the closet after resting for 30 years. Thanks again my friends. Stella.