I think we were getting along just fine. Out of nowhere a couple of individuals spring up to complain about being "left out" of a section they obviously had no interest in (if you're interested in the HAM section, become one). That is obviously my opinion and I'm sticking with it, but I don't understand why someone who doesn't want to be a ham, wants so badly to be included in what the hams are doing in their own forum.
I agree however, we can have some good discussions without having anything deleted here. I just fail to understand that as a combination CB/Freeband/HAM forum, why many seem to be completely able to get along, with only a select few causing issues for no apparent reason.
I am not one to apologize for how I am. In this case I'll apologize for people misunderstanding my satirical/sarcastic humor by starting my own section on the forum. I tried to be as ridiculous as possible in an attempt to get people to see just how silly the issue was but apparently some now think I'm a jerk or something. This is to the entire class, but I'm sorry if you think I'm a jerk, but the sarcasm/satire is a part of me, and it's not going away...
Take care everyone, the opinions expressed in the above post are not necessarily the views of the World Wide Radio Forum management or anybody else besides me...