This forum is intended to be a place where we can all discuss various aspects of the radio hobby, along with other topics that members may be interested in.
The expectation is that forum members treat each other with respect. Teasing and joking around while debating is all fun and good; name calling and bickering with each other is not.
There are about six to ten individuals that have lately posted little except bickering and argumentative topics which in many cases aren't even related to the forum section posted in. Before posting, everyone needs to examine their motives.
If the only purpose for your post is to take a shot at someone, then refrain yourself and show some respect to the forum.
The expectation is that forum members treat each other with respect. Teasing and joking around while debating is all fun and good; name calling and bickering with each other is not.
There are about six to ten individuals that have lately posted little except bickering and argumentative topics which in many cases aren't even related to the forum section posted in. Before posting, everyone needs to examine their motives.
If the only purpose for your post is to take a shot at someone, then refrain yourself and show some respect to the forum.